One Aging Geek

Friday, December 31, 2004

Tsumani pictures on Flickr

Hat Rai Lay Beach 1 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

First of a three-picture sequence. "Tourists run for their lives as the first of six tsunamis starts to roll towards Hat Rai Lay Beach, near Krabi in southern Thailand. One woman runs towards the waves." From AFP, via the Sydney Morning Herald.

There are a lot of pictures tagged with tsunami on Flickr.

This sequence of three pictures is the most ... amazing? ... frightening?

To follow the sequence look to the right of the large picture. There is a thumbnail with a link above it labelled "next in set >>".

Monday, December 13, 2004

Stuff vs. the boxes it came in

Having just completed the annual foray into the attic to get down Christmas stuff I am reminded of something.

The boxes that contain the stuff we buy often outlive the stuff itself. When my daughter was in junior high (about age ... 14?) one of her Christmas gifts was a CD/cassette boombox. The box it came in was the perfect size for storing Christmas light strings.

The boombox lasted a year, maybe two tops. The box just got retired last year after at least 10 years of use.

This year I pulled down boxes from long gone VCRs, computers from eras gone by and various other things that are no longer in service.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Podcasting -- 5 -- Is it TiVo for your ears.

The "word bite" description of podcasting is that it's TiVo for you ears or TiVo for your radio. Bzzzt! Wrong! Radio Shark, Replay-Radio, Audio Feast and, to a lesser extent Audible are TiVo for your ears. Podcasting is about having more choices than what's on radio. The guys at the Gillmor Gang in October (with the Firesign Theatre folks) hit this and all the reasons and implications of it.

  • There is more freedom on this new medium
  • There is a broader range of choice
  • Because the barrier to entry is lower
  • And a couple of other things I can't think of...
In what other medium could you find an eighth grader and a 40-something famous media personality competing for audience on pretty equal footing? Update, fixed spelling of Firesign Theatre

Wednesday, December 01, 2004 Project Info - Dave's Quick Search Deskbar Project Info - Dave's Quick Search Deskbar

Dave's Quick Search Deskbar is an add-on for the Windows Desktop Taskbar that lets you launch searches quickly. With dozens of search engines, a calculator, clock, calendar, and more in one little textbox, it's monster functionality in a flea-sized GUI

Haven't tried this out yet but looks useful.