Innovation Futures
What is Innovation Futures?Innovation Futures is a prediction game. Similar to fantasy stock market games, this one lets players trade on all kinds of events. You predict the outcome of various news events we supply. So the more you know, the more likely you are to predict correctly and win. And it's not just how much you know. You can benefit from the bad predictions of others.
How does it work?
Here is an example: Consider a market about the question "What will be the percentage change in the NASDAQ on 11/07/03?". Let's suppose that you want to invest in the outcome "[+.01% and +.5%]". The trading price for the corresponding "contract" is currently x$24 ("x$" is the game's play money). If this outcome ultimately occurs, then each of the contracts you bought will yield x$100 and you will have earned x$76 per contract (100 - 24).