One Aging Geek

Saturday, June 05, 2004

bOINGbOING: Recording industry to demand fingerprints of music listeners

Isn't the recording industry silly for trying this? I'm glad it's wasting its time on this fool's errand. I hope Veritouch gets millions from the RIAA for this rotten idea, which has a zero percent chance of catching on.
The RIAA is hoping that a new breed of music player which requires biometric authentication will put an end to file sharing. Established biometric vendor Veritouch has teamed up with Swedish design company to produce iVue: a wireless media player that allows content producers to lock down media files with biometric security. This week Veritouch announced that it had demonstrated the device to the RIAA and MPAA.
Link (via /.) [Boing Boing]

Let's see. Suing 12 year old kids. Now demanding fingerprint identification to listen to music. Um. OK. Maybe this will be the point where "the public" realizes just how the RIAA thinks.