Palm OS Developer Suite
As Palm OS devices move into a broader range of deployments, our tools strategy is evolving to address a broadening range of developers. The Palm OS Developer Suite is a new tool chain from PalmSource that provides software developers, enterprises and mature ISVs with an easier and faster path to develop robust applications, and successful business solutions. With Palm OS Developer Suite, programmers will have a parallel development path for creating ARM-native software applications, and 68K software applications that run on Palm OS 4, Palm OS Garnet and Palm OS Cobalt, through PACE (the Palm Application Compatibility Environment). No other single development tool provides these capabilities.
It's about freakin' time that Palm had a decent set of development tools. For the last n years there have been two choices, Code Warrior and a do-it-yourself toolkit using the GNU C compiler as a cross-compiler to the 68K architecture combined with a various set of half-baked free tools.