Podcasting -- 1 -- what's in a name
I feel the urge to write something on this subject. In fact I feel the urge to do something more than just collect bookmarks here. Rather than a long rant I think this is best done as a series of posts. So this is the first in a series. If you don't know anything about podcasting have a look at the iPodder.org definition of podcasting and when that doesn't explain anything, look at the Wikepdia entry for podcasting. Podcasting is a nice short descriptive term for subscription-based audio. There are a bunch of whiners who want to name it something that doesn't contain the word "Pod" which comes from iPod. Get over it! The name is instantly descriptive. A podcaster is the equivalent of a broadcaster, it's the person or organization who is sending the audio. The term I've seen for the process of listening to a podcast (I guess "listening" isn't easy enough) is "podcatching". So. That's the terminology. I've seen/heard definitions of "a podcast" that require that it have a musical intro and be the work of a lone voice and other such crap. Ignore such things. A "podcast" is any hunk of audio delivered by subscription. Update: added Wikipedia article link