One Aging Geek

Monday, May 31, 2004

Dan Gillmor: The Human Cost of Outsourcing

  • LA Times (reg req): Outsourcing Ax Falls Hard on Tech Workers. In the months leading up to his layoff, Cotterill was assigned to work alongside programmers from India who are taking over tasks formerly done by Americans, a process his company calls Knowledge Transfer, or KT.
  • The callousness of American executives who force employees to train their lower-paid replacement is amazing. I don't know how these managers can look other people in the eye, or themselves in the mirror. America is outsourcing itself into trouble over the long term even though the short-term economic reasons for doing it are compelling. Once we could tell ourselves we'd just move up the value chain, but this won't be easy anymore. As this nation's leaders systematically undermine public education, disinvest in basic research and ignore powerful demographic trends -- including the new availability of several hundred million well-educated, motivated, English-speaking workers elsewhere who are willing to work for a quarter of what we need here to have a middle-class existence -- they are just begging for trouble. And running half-trillion-dollar budget deficits and historically high trade deficits will only magnify the woes when the bills come due. I don't have a magic answer. No one does. But if we don't start dealing with this now, we are in for horrendously difficult times to come.

    [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]

    This is a pretty personal issue for me. I am trying to hang on to a job in IT as I age and the job market continues to suck.

    Value Negation

    The proliferation and permutation of viruses and worms offers a superb case study in wicked innovation and innovative wickedness. Why do such innovations succeed? What can and should we learn from their continuing success? Just as society better understands health by better understanding disease, markets better appreciate healthy innovation by grasping the dynamics of pathological innovation.

    I have followed Michael Schrage on technology and the Internet for years. Read this essay about cheating and think outside the box:

    The single most important lesson pathological innovation teaches is that the economics of cheating play as great a role in defining value as the economics of adoption. You’ve got to love that.

    (I don't want to take this too far, but God Himself uses evil to work His glory in the end.)

    [Coffeehouse at the End-Of-Days]

    I agree with Russ that the Schrage essay is a good read and a good thought provoker. I don't agree that God uses evil to work His glory.

    Thursday, May 27, 2004

    WiFi Speedup

    Order before midnight tonight.

    [Lessig Blog]

    I've come across this several times over the last couple of months. Cracks me up every time!

    Scientific American: Rat Study Shows That Exercise Promotes Neuron Growth

    Regular exercise can benefit the body in a number of ways, from aiding weight loss to increasing energy levels and improving cardiovascular health. Findings published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences bolster the notion that the brain, too, can profit from physical activity. Results of rat studies indicate that exercise can stimulate the recovery of injured neurons.

    But do we really want smarter rats?

    OK, ok. Another damn reason to exercise. - Microsoft Merges Antispam Plan,aid,116271,pg,1,RSS,RSS,00.asp

    Microsoft agreed to merge its recently announced Caller ID antispam proposal with another, called Sender Policy Framework, or SPF.

    The company reached an agreement with SPF's author, Meng Weng Wong, to roll the two proposals into one specification. The finished specification will be published in June and submitted to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards group for evaluation. If adopted, the specification will provide a way to close loopholes in the current system for sending and receiving e-mail that allow e-mail senders to fake, or 'spoof,' the origin of their message, Microsoft says in a statement.

    Neither the originals nor the merged version of these will work. As Bruce Scheier points out in his interview by Doug Kaye, most spam these days comes from zombified end user systems.

    Bruce Schneier: You know, spam is a tough problem, and it’s really an economic problem. Authentication doesn't do any good because a lot of spam these days is being sent from stolen accounts. We already have blacklists that block spamming accounts, so spammers have learned they have to hack into the computers of regular people and send spam from there. So an authentication system will only authenticate who the victim is, the victim who has been hacked.

    Antibiotics linked to huge rise in allergies

    The increasing use of antibiotics to treat disease may be responsible for the rising rates of asthma and allergies. By upsetting the body's normal balance of gut microbes, antibiotics may prevent our immune system from distinguishing between harmless chemicals and real attacks.

    Verizon won't forgive debt on donated cellphone

    verizon wireless

    Following up on our story from last week about a senior citizen who donated his cellphone to charity, forgot to cancel the service, and subsequently got stuck with a $1,200 bill after somebody else got the phone and racked up tons of charges, Verizon Wireless says that they’re not going to let things slide and that Harold Dunn will have to pay up.

    [Via Mobile Gadget News]


    You have to remember that the two most abundant things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.

    What Mr. Dunn did wasn't all that bright but what Verizon is doing is corporate stupidity at its most egregious. I predict that there will be widespread outrage and that Verizon will reverse this decision.

    Ed Foster's Gripelog || Permission to Spy

    How deep in the sneakwrap can spyware purveyors bury the truth about what they're loading on your system while claiming they had your consent? It's a question the software industry is finding hard to answer.

    Spyware is much more evil than spam. Much.

    Anyone who runs Windows without using a spyware detector periodically is eventually going to regret it.


    I haven't posted anything like this here before. But this is on my mind.

    Today is the second anniversary of the day my good friend Rick was diagnosed with stomach cancer. The Thursday before Memorial Day of 2002. He was given a year and hung on for 21 months. Rick left behind a wife, two grown daughters, a grandchild, his father and a huge number of friends.

    We buried Rick last March on what should have been his 52nd birthday.

    Rick used to cause me to run my backside off on the tennis court.

    We all miss you, buddy!

    Word Tracking Bug Demo and Remover

    Alex Halderman has created a page about the Word tracking bugs I described yesterday. He offers an example Word tracking bug for you to examine, and a scanner program that can find and remove Word tracking bugs on your computer.

    [Freedom to Tinker]

    Privacy? What privacy?

    Chinese company makes soy sauce from human hair

    A resourceful Chinese company got in trouble for brewing soy sauce out of human hair.
    China Central Television (CCTV), the state television station, first raised public worries over the quality of domestic soy sauce by uncovering a substandard workshop in central China's Hubei Province, where piles of waste human hair were found. The hairs were treated in special containers to distill amino acid, the most common substance contained in soybean sauce.

    Human hair is rich in protein content, just like soybean, wheat and bran, the conventional and legally accepted raw ingredients for the production of soy sauce.

    Link [Boing Boing]


    If feeding cow brains to cows spreads mad cow disease, what might feeding hair to people spread? Dandruff?

    Historical origins of obesity

    Long, interesting Harvard Magazine article about the historical shifts in diet and lifestyle that led to America's obesity epidemic.
    "We are not adapted to handle fast-acting carbohydrates," Ludwig continues. "Glucose is the gold standard of energy metabolism. The brain is exquisitely dependent on having a continuous supply of glucose: too low a glucose level poses an immediate threat to survival. [But] too high a level causes damage to tissues, as with diabetes. The body is designed to keep blood glucose within a tight range, and it does this beautifully, even with extreme nutrient ratios: we can survive indefinitely on a diet of 60 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fat, or 20 percent carbohydrates and 60 percent fat. But we never [before] had to assimilate a heavy dose of high-glycemic carbohydrates."
    Link (via Kottke) [Boing Boing]

    Something else for the reading queue. Glycemic index based diets are the only ones that make intuitive sense to me.

    To VOIP or not to VOIP

    Yesterday I had a phone conference with Hadar Pedhazur of Opticality Ventures, during which Hadar mentioned that he's been using Asterisk, a Linux-based software PBX, with great success. Although Asterisk is VoIP-capable, Hadar's using cheap ($100) Digium cards to manage and route calls among his various business-related POTS lines. That really got my attention; I've long wanted such a capability. So I did some reading, and I also watched this presentation given by Digium's founder and Asterisk's developer, Mark Spencer.

    [Jon's Radio]

    I feel a rant about VOIP coming on. When I get some time to write. If the feeling hasn't passed.

    Geeky doormat

    Thinkgeek is selling these wicked-geeky doormats. Please direct pedantic remarks about the superiority of "There's no place like ~/" to /dev/peevish. Link (Thanks, eyelessloki!)
    [Boing Boing]
    He he he. Tickles my funnybone today. Easily amused I guess.

    Wednesday, May 26, 2004

    Songfinder Birdwatching Aid

    songfinder_plus.jpg imageAs sort of a hearing aid for birdwatchers, the Songfinder and Songfinder Plus can take bird and insect songs that occur in higher frequency ranges and pitch shift them via a variety of methods, including frequency division by user-selected degrees, making the high-pitched calls of birds audible to those who may have lost sensitivity in later years. Not only that, but the Songfinder works binaurally to provide realistic 3-dimensional sound by placing a microphone in the earpiece of each headset, processing the sound that travels to each ear separately before feeding it back to the user. Since much of the point of listening to bird calls is to be able to spot them, having directional sound mixed back in is critical. Still, as cool as it seems, the price tag definitely takes the Songfinder out of the range of the casual birdwatcher, as the basic model is sold for $750 and the advanced Plus model sells for $900. I'm sure there's some DSP magic happening in there that I don't know about, but that's a lot of skrilla for a fancy amplifier. (Thanks, Tom!)
    Read [NatureSound]


    My mother would love this gizmo as she's an avid birder. But I mostly posted this as a test of the w.bloggar plugin for SharpReader.

    Tuesday, May 25, 2004

    New Scientist: Space suit switch complicates spacewalk

    After finding problems with their US space suits, the International Space Station crew is switching to two new Russian space suits for a crucial space walk scheduled for June. The 4.5-hour spacewalk is needed to fix an earlier glitch with the station itself. On April 24, a power controller failed, shutting off power to one of the three gyroscopes that control the station's alignment. The two remaining gyros can keep the station in place, but any further gyro failures would require firing on-board thrusters to keep the station properly aligned.

    How many more failures before we just abandon the ISS? The US Space program has become a pathetic joke.

    Thinkgeek: USB Swiss Army Knife in Stock Army Knife.jpg

    The Swiss Army Knife with the built-in USB flash drive has sort of become a joke around here, mostly because it typifies the sort of ridiculous 'cram flash into every crevice' trend that's going on. The difference from most other Yet Another Flash Drives is that I really, really want this one.

    Ooo! Ooo! Me too! Want one.

    Monday, May 24, 2004

    Freedom to Tinker: New Email Spying Tool

    A company called has launched a new email-spying tool that is generating some controversy, and should generate more. The company claims that its product lets you invisibly track what happens to email messages you send: how many times they are read; when, where (net address and geographic location), and for how long they are read; how many times they are forwarded, and so on.

    This article not only announces that this new scourge exists, the author analyzes how the thing works.

    Saturday, May 22, 2004

    City of a Thousand Handshakes

    On West 145th Street, between Frederick Douglass and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevards, people have their own way of saying hello. When neighbors want to salute each other, they often use the 1-4-5, a three-part greeting that consists of a single finger to the nose, four placed on the chest above the heart, then a light five-finger slap.

    Someone's making a documentary on the way teenagers greet each other. Um. OK. I'm not sure if I find that pathetic or just pointless.

    Tracking the Sale of a Kidney on a Path of Poverty and Hope

    RECIFE, Brazil -- When Alberty José da Silva heard he could make money, lots of money, by selling his kidney, it seemed to him the opportunity of a lifetime. For a desperately ill 48-year-old woman in Brooklyn whose doctors had told her to get a kidney any way she could, it was.

    Not quite Larry Niven's "organleggers". But not all that far off, either

    Watching Rats Abandon Ship - Transcript of Bruce Sterling at Microsoft Corporation,guid,aa7a9745-361b-42ed-ba71-1409f9eec70d.aspx

    Bruce Sterling, one of my favorites writers and a personal god, was at Microsoft today ranting/lecturing. It was fun and I just spent two hours transcribing the entire f'ing thing with all of the play-pause that is involved. If you don't like my spelling or something, go die now. I removed the mental spacing "uhms" and "ands" from his speech. If it isn't exact enough, sue me. Thanks!

    'Nother bookmark for myself. But isn't there something totally surreal about the author of The Hacker Crackdown speaking at Microsoft?

    Blogads: reader survey for blog advertising.

    Thanks to the 17,159 blog readers who responded to our survey! This survey shows that blog readers are older and more affluent than most optimistic guestimates: 61% of blog readers responding to the survey are over 30, and 75% make more than $45,000 a year. Moreover, blog readers are more cyber-active than I'd hoped: 54% of their news consumption is online. 21% are themselves bloggers and 46% describe themselves as opinion makers

    Just a bookmark for myself so I'll go read this article sometime. Monsanto Beats Farmer in Patent Fight

    Capping a seven-year, globally watched legal battle between biotechnology giant Monsanto Co. and a scrappy 73-year-old Saskatchewan farmer, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday that Percy Schmeiser violated Monsanto's patent by growing the company's high-tech canola and saving the valuable seeds produced by those plants.

    This is just spooky. Seems the farmer's field picked up pollen from neighbors who had planted patented Monsanto canola. Then he had the audacity to save the seed from his crop for next year's crop, something that the farmers who buy Monsanto's seed are prohibited from doing. So Monsanto sued him for patent infringement.

    I'm not sure what's scarier about this:

    • That a seed provider can try to control how the crop is used
    • That the farmers who buy the seed go along with the restrictions
    • That a literal "wind fall" can be the basis of a suit
    • That such a suit can be taken seriously by the courts
    • That the seed company can win in a country that's not considered friendly to such things

    One possible repercussion that Monsanto might not like is further down in the article

    Some states have considered legislation that would make biotech companies liable for windblown pollen that invades fields of conventional crops, which in some cases are worth more than the engineered varieties. In Canada, organic farmers have filed a class action against Monsanto and another company for allegedly polluting their fields with gene-altered pollen.

    Some legal experts said that case might be strengthened by yesterday's ruling.

    "If you're going to claim ownership of this gene wherever it lands, then you ought to assume responsibility, too," said Terry Zakreski, Schmeiser's attorney in Saskatoon.

    IT Conversations: Alex Kosiorek - Maximum Burn

    Are your CD-R backups safe? Think they'll last a long time? Think again!

    Alex Kosiorek is the audio recording and mastering engineer for the Corbett Studios at WGUC-FM in Cincinnati where, among other things, he's responsible for creating archival CD-R recordings. We first learned of Alex from an article he wrote for Radio Magazine in which he detailed his research on CD-R media, burners and techniques.

    I'm a huge fan of Doug Kaye's IT Conversations site. I've listened to everything ever posted there. OK, with the exception of the last two thirds of the talk that Helen Greiner of iRobot (the Roomba people) did at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology conference.

    Being a poor geek, I don't own an iPod. And I can't listen to interviews and talks while I work, my aging brain can only hold one track at a time. I convert the IT Conversations mp3 files to WAV and then use some Sony software to load them onto my minidisc player. Then I listen to them as I commute or exercise.

    Friday, May 21, 2004

    Visual Basic at the Movies

    Free Not-For-Resale Copy of Visual Basic .NET 2003 Standard Edition*

    Welcome to VB at the Movies. The 101 short films below will provide everybody from the beginner through the advanced developer with an opportunity to amp up their Visual Basic skills. In true studio fashion, we’re releasing two categories each week, so check back often to catch the latest releases.

    Let us know what you think. View and rate five movies, then sign up to receive your redemption code e-mail entitling you to a complimentary Not-For-Resale copy of Visual Basic .NET 2003 Standard Edition.*

    Grab your popcorn and soda, sit back and enjoy!

    What a strange way to "hook" people on Visual Basic .NET

    Clarke: Hold Developers Accountable for Software Insecurity,1761,a=127317,00.asp

    By Dennis Fisher

    NEW YORK—The federal government and private enterprise should band together and hold software developers responsible for the poor state of security of their applications, according to the White House's former top cyber-security official.

    Speaking this week at the eWEEK Security Summit here, Richard Clarke, chairman of Good Harbor Consulting LLC, of Herndon, Va., and former chairman of the president's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board, said the inherent insecurity of most software produced today is a major factor in the troubles plaguing enterprises and home users.

    To solve the problem, Clarke called on the government to put pressure on the software industry to develop and maintain secure coding practices.

    "The reason you have people breaking into your software all over the place is because your software sucks," he told conference attendees. "I don't like the idea of 'buyer beware.' It was great in the 14th century, but I think we've moved beyond [that]."

    Clarke also encouraged enterprises to get together and inform their vendors that they're not happy with the security of their software.

    Yikes! I try pretty hard to write secure code in my job. We agonized for weeks over security in my current product. But would I want government regulation over it? Yikes!

    Found via Phil Windley's Enterprise Computing Weblog.

    Lockergnome - Windows Fanatics - May 20, 2004

    Windows XP, along with previous versions of Windows, has many different services installed by default. Some of them are obviously required and must be running while others may not be necessary depending on the configuration of your computer. Knowing which services are safe to disable and which ones are not is also difficult to determine, especially when you get into service dependencies.

    There is a great Web site available that can be extremely helpful when you are working with XP services. To learn more about XP services, visit Black Viper. One thing I really like about this site is that it specifically tells you which services are safe to disable, based on different computer configurations. For example, a 'gamer' will probably require a different service configuration than a home user who only users their PC to check e-mail. In any case, along with this there is much more information available and it's definitely worth checking out.

    Everyone with a Windows computer needs all the help they can get. And I have three of the damn things to keep running.

    Lockergnome - Windows Fanatics - May 20, 2004

    Called, this site is a Web-based home improvement and repair site. From the smallest problem to the largest renovation, this is the place to go for the answers. There are online forums to exchange information with other users, information on how to estimate a repair, a Q&A section on basic information on do it yourself projects, as well links to literature, services, and media. There is even a newsletter that you can subscribe to.

    Something to keep handy for ... um ... being handy around the house... ?

    Thursday, May 20, 2004

    APOD: 2004 April 12 - Apollo 17 Panorama: Astronaut Running

    What would it be like to explore the surface of another world? In 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission, astronaut Harrison Schmitt found out first hand. In this case, the world was Earth's own Moon. In this recently compiled panorama of lunar photographs originally taken by astronaut Eugene Cernan, the magnificent desolation of the barren Moon is apparent. Visible above and by scrolling right are lunar rocks in the foreground, lunar mountains in the background, some small craters, a lunar rover, and astronaut Schmidt on his way back to the rover. A few days after this image was taken, humanity left the Moon and has yet to return.

    1972! 1972.

    I can't tell you how sad that makes me feel.

    I was in high school when Armstrong first set foot on the moon. It's not that I was promised flying cars. But we were supposed to have people living on the moon by now. Instead we came whimpering back here after a show of bravado.

    If I had known when I was a kid that the future was going to be like this ... I don't know ...

    Freedom to Tinker: Penn State: No Servers in Dorms

    One of the most interesting parts of the day was a brief presentation by Russ Vaught, the Associate Vice Provost for IT at Penn State. He said that Penn State has a policy banning server software of all kinds from dormitory computers. No email servers; no web servers; no DNS servers; no chat servers; no servers of any kind. The policy is motivated by a fear that server software might be used to infringe copyrights.

    Wow! Ranks right up there among the stupidest policies I've ever heard of!

    Wednesday, May 19, 2004

    Datadocktor'n - Defraggle your motherdisc!

    There are several of different species of software to make this happen, but the most excellent way to do it is a hardwaredefragmentation. you'll only need some basic data-mechanical-skills to be able to accomplish this operation.

    He he he... I know some people that I need to point to this site in the hopes that they'll take it seriously.

    Source: Dan Gillmor's eJournal

    Jon Udell: DomainKeys draft specification


    Jeremy Zawodny notes that Yahoo's DomainKeys proposal is now public. Here's the Internet-Draft; here's the blog chatter as seen by Technorati.

    Tuesday, May 18, 2004

    Slashdot | Google to be Sued Over Name?

    WK writes "Now that Google's IPO is running, the company is on the verge of being sued by the family of Professor Edward Kasner who invented the word 'Googol' to describe a very big number. The great-niece of Kasner who was 4 years old at the time her uncle died says that although Google has brought attention to the name, it has not brought attention to Kasner's work. Google was not using the concepts, but just capitalizing on the name."

    How do you spell greed? Apparently it's K-a-s-n-e-r--F-a-m-i-l-y

    Saturday, May 15, 2004 - News and Views: Wal-Mart: Stealing Health Care

    But the real money quote comes from Wal-Mart defending its lack of health care for its employees:

    [Wal-Mart spokesperson] said that while critics say 40 percent of Wal-Mart's workers do not have company health insurance, 90 percent of its employees have health benefits through some plan - perhaps a spouse's or through state Medicaid.

    Read that quote carefully. What Wal-Mart is saying is first, they are depending on other companies to provide health care for their employees, thereby driving up health costs for other businesses-- a nice trick of unfair competition. But secondly, this Wal-Mart spokesperson is admitting that a lot of their employees are paid so badly that they qualify for MEDICAID?!!! Essentially, Wal-Mart is stealing money from overburdened health care for the poor to subsidize their low-wage employment practices.

    This is admission of guilt straight from the horse's mouth-- Wal-Mart admits they pay poverty wages and steal health care funds from the rest of us.

    Friday, May 14, 2004

    Private rocket ship sets altitude record

    A privately developed spacecraft rocketed a solo pilot to the edge of space on Thursday, as part of ongoing preparations for its first full space flight.

    SpaceCraftOne, flown by 62-year-old Mike Melvill, reached altitude of 65,000 metres at about 1600 GMT. The altitude is a new record for a private vehicle. NASA awards astronaut status to anyone who reaches an altitude of 50 miles (80,500 metres).

    SpaceCraftOne (SS1)was carried into the air attached to the belly of a larger aircraft called White Knight, also flown in this test by a solo pilot. SS1 detaches at about 15,000 metres before blasting towards space using its own rocket engine

    In the words of Larry Niven

    If NASA hadn't failed us we'd have cities on the moon.
    If it weren't for f***ing NASA we'd at least have walked on Mars.

    Wednesday, May 12, 2004

    Welcome to!

    Welcome to!

    Coffeehouse at the End-Of-Days: Digicams To Come

    If you are reasonably serious about digital photography or just curious about the state of the art, present and future, Tim Bray offers a concise look with some very well-chosen links.

    Tuesday, May 11, 2004

    Unreal Media Server overview

    Efficient multimedia delivery over public networks is a challenge for modern technology. Insufficient bandwidth, network latency, paranoid firewall restrictions and many more obstacles make it very difficult to transfer streaming content to end users, especially in real-time. Existing Media servers, such as Microsoft and Real Networks ones, only partially cover growing demand for streaming quality

    A candidate for serving music when I move all my tunes to Windows.

    Monday, May 10, 2004

    Boing Boing: TheyRule: applying information design to corporate directorships

    TheyRule: applying information design to corporate directorships TheyRule is a brilliant Flash app that allows you to interactively explore and map the interlocking directorships of the most powerful corporations in the world. They've just relaunched a 2004 edition with currect data.

    Saturday, May 08, 2004

    Boing Boing: Lessig on NPR

    Lessig on NPR Lawrence Lessig did a guest appearance on the San Francisco NPR show Forum yesterday, with a traditional copyright lawyer presenting the case for maximal copyright. The RealAudio stream is fantastic

    Need to add this to the "listen to me" queue.

    Thursday, May 06, 2004

    Epidemic Computing at Cornell

    In a posting last week I gave a bit of history of the use of Epidemic techniques in computing and why we are so interested in them when it comes to distributed computing. It is remarkable that many of the techniques that make systems scalable in general, are at the a part of epidemics. Of course biological epidemics scale really well and are very robust: once a few subjects are infected it is almost impossible to stop the spread, even if you isolate the original source.

    One of the other cool properties of epidemics that I didn't mention in the original posting is they work better and better at large scale. This means that having to scale up your system is no longer a burden, but it becomes an advantage and you can deliver on the true promise of scale-out: more nodes means a more robust system.

    Various groups at Cornell have been looking at problems using similar techniques. For example Jon Kleinberg and David Kempe's work on gossip protocols & small world phenomena, spread of influence in social networks, or David's work with Alin Dobra and Johannes Gehrke on computing aggregate information using gossip. And of course since the return of Alan Demers we have on of the founding father of epidemics techniques in house

    Tuesday, May 04, 2004

    The Data Manager took a big step forward in the Palm OS Cobalt release, with the introduction of schema databases, and extended versions of the classic resource and record databases present on Palm OS versions 5.x and prior. Applications now have more choices for how to save their data, and a flexible and extensible mechanism for sharing their data with other applications. Choices are always good, so let's examine what is there.

    Mmmm.... Palm Cobalt. If only I had a few hundred spare bucks waiting to be spent on a new PDA

    Rss Readers

    Rss Readers

    Here is a directory of RSS readers, which are used to scan or read many sites at once. They are part of RssSyndication; you use them to read RssFeeds, either just the headlines, or the headlines and a short description (or even the whole text) of each item. You can click on any item to see it in it's regular web page context. Some readers use a web interface, some are a desktop program, separate from your web browser. Some readers let you easily post what you're reading to your own weblog (AutoBlogging).

    There are dozens of lists like this. But I like that this one is a Wiki and also like the way it's organized.

    Monday, May 03, 2004

    Checking out that DiVinci book

    Borrowed Leonard Da Vinci's notebook lately? No, not the real thing. But you can flip the pages of a virtual reproduction, via the British Library's Turning the Pages project, which also includes nine other historical books.

    Saturday, May 01, 2004

    Open Clip Art Projects :: OCAP ::

    This project has the goal of creating a free archive of clip art that can be used with free software, closed software, distributed with various software distributions, or be used in graphic design compositions. There are so many more uses for this graphics repository which haven't been discovered or discussed yet and we hope that you will join the development team to help realize this project. All graphics submitted to the project should be placed into the public domain according to the statement by the creative commons. There are many pages that talk more about this project as it is currently in the planning stages. If you'd like to help out, please join the mailing list. Also, feel free to browse the archives.

    Fast Company | If It's Urgent, Ignore It

    There are two ways to catch a plane. The first, which happens to be the most common, is to leave on time, do your best to park nearby, repeatedly glance at your watch, and then start moving faster and faster. By the time you get to security, you realize that you're quite late, so you cut the line ('My plane leaves in 10 minutes!' you shout). You walk fast. As you get closer to your gate, you realize that walking fast isn't going to work, so you start to jog. Three gates away, you break into a run, and if you're lucky, you barely make the flight.

    Gee. I wish my employer subscribed to this idea.

    Writer gambles by giving away novel on net

    He is a writer of best-selling thriller novels but Matthew Reilly is committing what on the face of it would appear to be commercial suicide with his latest book - he is giving it away on the internet. - iTunes stuff - iTunes stuff: "Welcome to my iTunes stuff website, here you will find various things relating to iTunes hacking that I have written"