One Aging Geek

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Bookmark: A blog list for media guys

A blog list for media guys

: At the Aspen Institute conference, I was asked to provide a starter list of suggested blogs. Here's what I sent them. Now don't get all hurt and pissy and angry and bloggy if I left you off; it's just a sampling.

* covers the business of online content. By an aggressive one-man band, Rafat Ali, who is making a go of it with advertising. He also has a job
that is good for business intelligence.
* I Want Media by Patrick Phillips is an alternative to Romenesko.
* Corante has a number of very good blogs about the social impact of technology as well as media and the law. Among them, The Importance by attorney Ernie Miller, Copyfight by Donna Wentworth and others, Loose Democracy by David Weinberger (coauthor of The Cluetrain Manifesto), and Many to Many by Clay Shirky and others.
* Lost Remote is a good blog about TV by two TV producers, Cory Bergman and Steve Safran.
* CableNewser follows cable news like a hound dog and it is written by an 18-year-old college student.
* Ad Rants by Steve Hall is beloved by trendwatchers, as it finds what's new in advertising.
* NYU's Jay Rosen writes a very well-respected (if long) blog about journalism here.
* The Media Drop is a new blog by Tom Biro.
* The World Editors Forum started a blog here.
* San Francisco journalist Tim Porter blogs about newspapering.
* Om Malik of Business 2.0 writes about broadband.
* Those of you who got my blogcard: It was by adman, cartoonist, blogger Hugh MacLeod.
* NewsDesigner has nice insights on newspaper design and news judgment.
* Rex Hammock, a custom publisher, writes often about magazine launches.
* Unmediated is by a bunch of visionary video hackers who will reinvent TV.
* VH1's Best Week Ever show hashes over story ideas on its blog.
* Reason Magazine has a most effective blog.
* Dave Barry blogs.
* Mercury News tech columnist Dan Gillmor is a pioneer blogger and he has a new book on the topic.

* Instapundit by law professor Glenn Reynolds is the king of blogs, getting as many
as 4 million page views a month.
* Andrew Sullivan is popular and controversial and he has managed to switch from a print to an online career. As he said at the Online News Association,"This happens once in a lifetime: You don't stumble across a new medium every day." Amen.
* Atrios is an anonymous liberal blogger.
* Josh Marshall is a leader on the left.
* Yale's Jack Balkin covers politics from a legal perspective.
* Stanford's Lawrence Lessig beats the copyright drum until it's black and blue.
* The Bush blog.
* The Kerry blog.
* Kevin Drum moved from his personal blog to creating the Washington
Monthly blog
* Robert Cox fought The Times -- and he won.
* Australian journalist Tim Blair will be covering the election on his blog.
* See also Daniel Drezner, Begging to Differ, Matthew Yglesias, Oliver Willis, Outside the Beltway, Roger L. Simon (the mystery novelist and screenwriter, not the columnist), Winds of Change.

* Of course, you need to read Nick Denton's blogs: Gawker about New York media and gossip, Wonkette on D.C., Defamer on L.A., Gizmodo on gadgets. See also competitor Jason Calacanis' and author Peter Rojas' gadget blog Engadget.
* BoingBoing, a wildly popular group blog by Corey Doctorow, Xeni Jardin and others,
is rich turf for story ideas and trends.
* Command Post started during the war as a group blog pointing to the latest headlines from everywhere; it continues to perform a valuable and timely service of finding the lastest and best news; this is editing by the mob.
* Anil Dash of Movable Type (SixApart) provides a half-dozen or more quick links each day.
* Curbed is a New York real estate blog.

* VC Fred Wilson has led a score of other VCs into blogging.
* I only wish Esther Dyson updated her blog more frequently.
* VC Joi Ito blogs as a lifestyle.
* BlogAds founder Henry Copeland keeps a blog here.

* Howard Rheingold et al write about mobile culture at SmartMobs.
* Doc Searls (another coauthor of The Cluetrain Manifesto and one of the most respected figures in blogging) writes about much more than technology (including media and Howard Stern).
* Pioneer Dave Winer.
* Robert Scoble (taking a break now) blogs from inside Microsoft... along with 800 other employee bloggers.

* Hossein Derakhshan (aka Hoder) single-handedly started the Iranian weblog revolution.
* Zeyad, a 25-year-old dentist in Baghdad, was the first of a rash of Iraqi bloggers who emerged after the war and after Salam Pax. He has led to a score more, including Iraq the Model (quoted frequently in U.S. press), Iraq at a Glance, and Alaa.

* Technorati tracks all the links among blogs, causing conversation (here are the links to my blog).
* Blogdex is similar.
* So blog already. Try TypePad or Blogger ... and send me the link!

: Also... Here are links to previous Aspen-related posts: My notes on the conference.... my presentation on transparency, technology and the newsroom.... fisking Alex Jones on opaque journalism.... ditto Randall Rothenberg... and see this on Seth Godin and exploding channels.


No, I'm not a media guy.