Critters in the attic, the rerun
I thought I'd blogged about round one with the critters in the attic but I can't seem to find it.
We've got another round of critters in the attic. Last spring for the first time in over twenty years in this house, we had some form of rodent move into the attic. I attribute this to no longer having an outdoor cat around the place. My first thought was rats but the pattern of activity didn't fit what I read about rats. We'd hear them only in the evening and at sun-up, as if they were coming in to the attic for a nice snug place to sleep and then heading out to be about their business. Regardless I bought a box of rat poison chunks and crawled up to distribute it. Saw definite signs. Crawled up a day later and found all the poison all. A few days later I found a dead squirrel outside the house. And we were critter-free for several months.
Round two started a couple of weeks ago but I've been too damn occupied to deal with it. Went up again a couple of days ago and distributed more poison. Now I'm just hoping that this round of critters had the decency to crawl outside before expiring like the last batch. I'd really hate to have rotting critter bodies in the attic with Christmas company coming over. Ugh.